I am yet to see any true benefit of New Year resolutions - all I see is how they set up people up to fail, and people give themselves a hard time for not sticking to them. The other day a colleague was eating a chocolate and turned to me and said ‘well there goes my New Year’s resolution’.
Whilst I am not a fan of these resolutions, I am a fan of seeing the upcoming year as a new cycle and preparing ourselves.
This can be done in many ways including taking the time to rest from the previous year to rejuvenate for the year ahead and preparing your home for the next cycle.
It can be very freeing to go through your home, section by section, and review what is stored away in cupboards and keep what is needed and throw out / donate what is not. For some this process can be challenging, so here are some simple questions you might ask yourself:
Have I used this item in the last 12-18 months?
Do I love it? If yes, will it serve me in this new cycle?
The tip is not to over think it, keep it simple and go with your first yes/no.
From this process, you will free up space in your home. I recently did this in my kitchen, lounge room and bathroom and was amazed at how many items seemingly ‘snuck into’ my cupboards during 2024.
I pulled out every item in these cupboards, asked myself those 2 questions about them, and what went back in was what I needed and loved. I rearranged my spices and filled them up ready for the year and I did those mildly irritating little jobs that I could not find the time to do during the year. You know the ones where you take only 15 minutes and hang the mirror that has been on the floor for 4 months, tape up that dangling cord in the bathroom, and supa glue an item back together.
I loved how the house felt after this de-clutter and deep clean. I kept opening cupboards just to look at the restored order and loved lying on my freshly laundered rug.
So what has this to do with massage? It is about creating space back into your home, very similar to having a massage where we create space back into the body.
A client and I recently talked about de-cluttering as she had done a similar process and she shared her mind feels clearer and ready for 2025. I liken clutter/unfinished jobs to nests of energy that take up space in the home and the body. Every time you walk past the mirror on the floor, or open the jumbled drawer to find what you need, there is tension in your body.
When you attend to these items, it releases that tension and creates more space back into your body. Just like a massage when you let go of that tension on the table, and the massage therapist smoothes out your muscles, your body feels lighter.
Naturally this process can take place at any time, so if you missed the boat this January there will be other opportunities to make it happen throughout the year.
Enjoy the space, and I look forward to supporting all of my clients throughout 2025.