Remedial Massage after hours in Canberra's Inner South with Sarah Flenley
Remedial and Relaxation Massage appointments available week nights and Sundays in Narrabundah near Griffith shops in the new Kiara Complex.
At Capital Hill Remedial Massage, you are our top priority. We take the time to listen to what is going on in your body and learn how we can address your needs.
Get to know more about
Services & Treatments
Our private Remedial Massage practice at Narrabundah near Griffith, Kingston and Manuka, is a clean, safe and nurturing environment, where we offer a range of massage services. Get support with easing tension, body pain, overwhelm, sleeplessness while enjoying deep relaxation and general well-being.

Here is a little bit about
Sarah Flenley
Sarah Flenley is the principal massage therapist at Capital Hill Remedial Massage. Sarah enjoys providing massages and treatments that support you to let go of the daily stressors of life so you can experience the vitality and freedom of movement of your body’s natural design.
She loves getting to know her clients and understanding their bodies so she can work with them to support their return to optimal health and well-being. She creates a warm, inviting space where clients can relax and feel at ease with sharing what is going on with their body and deeply surrender in the healing process. READ MORE.
Private healthcare rebates are available.
Remedial Massage
Remedial massage aims to assess and treat the body’s muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management. Learn More.
45 mins – $95
1 hour – $120
1.5 hours – $160
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is aimed to break up muscle tension, adhesions (the “knots” that we feel in our muscles which are bands of rigid and painful muscle tissue), and scar tissue. Learn more.
45 mins – $95
1 hour – $120
1.5 hours – $160
Relaxation Massage
A relaxation massage is simply that; a massage that supports you to deeply rest and relax. Learn more or book online.
45 mins – $95
1 hour – $120
1.5 hours – $160

Book with Sarah
Contact Sarah for an initial discussion if you would like to learn more about her approach - email: contact@capitalhillremedialmassage.com.au to request a free 15 minute phone consult or book an appointment online.

Our Services
Client Words

Sarah is absolutely amazing! Honestly the best remedial massage I have ever had. She reads your body extremely well and knows the exact points and places to work on. I feel so much relief after seeing Sarah.
- Bailey, Canberra
How we work with
Health Professionals
At Capital Hill Remedial Massage, we want our clients to get the best service they need to support their body; whether this be from us or from other health professionals.
Our trained remedial massage therapists assess and treat minor (and minor means no surgery required) myofascial (meaning muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia) complaints.
We work with a person's soft tissue for therapeutic purposes as to maintain, rehabilitate, or expand someone’s physical function or to relieve pain and promote health & well-being.
We build and maintain a professional health network so if our client needs support beyond what we are trained to do, we can refer them on.

Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to commonly asked questions about Massage. If you have a question that is not covered feel free to reach out and get in touch.
What is the difference between massage and remedial massage?
There are many types of massages, relaxation, deep tissue and remedial massage being the most well-known. You can read more about the services we offer here, but in short relaxation massage is a full-body massage with light rhythmic and flowing strokes designed to relax the body, deep tissue can be part or whole body massage to relieve tension and tight spots from the way we sit/stand or workout, and remedial massage is more targeted and works on specific pain or injuries.
Which is better remedial or deep tissue massage?
This depends on what is going on for your body. Usually people book a deep tissue massage when their bodies are feeling a bit stiff and sore from exercise (or lack of 😄), or from their work (be that an office worker, tradie, childcare worker or any type of work really).
A remedial massage is a targeted treatment and is ideal for those with chronic pain and injuries that require proper diagnosis and specific treatment (i.e. back, neck or shoulder injury).
If you are not sure, talk to your massage therapist.
Are remedial massages worth it?
Yes. Our bodies are not designed to live in pain. A remedial massage can help treat muscle and joint injuries associated with pain management and injury rehabilitation. Choose your therapist carefully, do your research, and choose one that is qualified.
Why choose a trained massage therapist?
A trained massage therapist understands the anatomical body to a depth whereby they can determine variations from normal health status. The focus is then placed on using a combination of specific musculoskeletal assessment techniques and specialist hand skills to apply a remedial treatment aimed at addressing the cause.
Is remedial or deep tissue massage painful?
No. You should never be in pain when receiving any type of massage. You can experience some discomfort during the massage as the therapist works through some tension points, and any level of discomfort should be agreed upon by you and your therapist. You can ask the therapist at any time to stop or back off on the pressure for any massage technique.
How often should you get a massage?
Ideally monthly is good to clear tension build up in the body, although this can depend on your schedule and budget. If you are experiencing pain/discomfort, weekly massages can support and then move to a monthly cadence.
Do you take your clothes off for a remedial or any other type of massage?
Usually, massage is performed direct onto your skin which means you can be asked to undress outer layers of clothing (always with underwear left on). Massage can be performed with clothes on if you prefer, and your therapist should be respectful of your choices.
During your treatment, your personal space and privacy is always respected. You will be draped with no fewer than two towels at any time and the only body part that will be exposed is the body part being treated. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, or wish to cease the treatment please let the therapist know and treatment will cease immediately.